Tattygar Primary School

Tattygar Primary School

"Learning, Fun & Friendship since 1928"

Pupil Leadership @ Tattygar

Pupil Leadership at Our School

At our school, we believe in empowering our pupils to become active citizens and future leaders. Through various leadership roles, such as tuck shop leaders, 'Care for the Environment' committee members or playground leaders, pupils are given the opportunity to take on responsibilities and contribute to the life of the school.


Listening to Pupil Voice

We place great importance on listening to the ideas, concerns, and suggestions of our pupils. Their voices help shape the decisions we make as a school, ensuring that we provide a learning environment that reflects their needs and interests. Whether through school committee meetings, surveys, or regular discussions, we ensure that every child has a chance to be heard.


Creating Young Active Citizens

By involving pupils in leadership roles, we aim to develop skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. These experiences help them grow into confident individuals who are prepared to take an active role in their communities. Our goal is to foster a sense of responsibility, respect, and citizenship in every child, helping them understand the value of contributing to society in positive and meaningful ways.