Tattygar Primary School

Tattygar Primary School

"Learning, Fun & Friendship since 1928"

Homework Information


Dear Parents,


In a bid to reduce the amount of belongings moving between home and school, we are asking parents to mark pupils homework each week.


We really appreciate your help in doing this. If you find that your child is having difficulties with their homework, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher.


Click on the books your child is covering each week to find the answers.


In P3-7, we expect pupils to complete a strip of New Wave English, New Wave Maths, a section of their spelling book and independent reading each night. Pupils should should 1 unit per week. In P5-7, we also expect pupils to complete a page of time tables revision each week. 


Please remember to encourage your child to use the online learning platforms:


  • Purple Mash 
  • Reading Eggs/Reading Express 

All passwords have been sent home inside homework books. However, if they have been lost, contact the school and we can send home a password reminder.