Tattygar Primary School

Tattygar Primary School

"Learning, Fun & Friendship since 1928"

Child Protection


  • The following are members of the schools safeguarding team:
  •  Designated Teacher Miss Helen Cleary 
  • Deputy Designated Teacher Miss Sharon Donnelly
  • Principal Mrs Joanne McCaffrey
  • Chair of the Board of Governors Mr. Niall Mc Gandy
  • Designated Governor for Child Protection Mr. Niall Mc Gandy

The Role of Parents

Parents should play their part in Child Protection by:

  • telephoning the school on the morning of their child’s absence, or sending in a note on the child’s return to school, so as the school is reassured as to the child’s situation.
  • informing the school whenever anyone, other than themselves, intends to pick up the child after school.
  • letting the school know in advance if their child is going home to an address other than their home.
  • reporting to the school office when they visit school.
  • providing the school with written evidence i.e. a Court Order to support any request to the Principal for changes to arrangements for contact with their child; 
  • •informing the school of any changes of address, contact details or living arrangements for their child e.g. child going to live with a relative;
  • familiarising themselves with the School’s Pastoral Care, Anti Bullying, Positive Behaviour, Internet and Child Protection Policies;
  • raising any concerns they have in relation to their child with the school.   

If you are concerned about your child's safety, follow the following steps:

* Flow-diagrams of process to follow

  1. Talk to the class teacher

  2. If I am still concerned, I can talk to the designated teacher for child protection
Miss Helen Cleary or the Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection Miss Sharon Donnelly

  3. If I am still concerned, I can talk/write to the Principal Mrs Joanne McCaffrey

  4. If I am still concerned, I can talk/write to the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr. Niall McGandy


At any time a parent can talk to:

A social worker at the Gateway Team (Western Trust)
Tel: 028 71314 090
or the
PSNI at the Public Protection Unit
Tel: 0845 600 80000

We in Tattygar Primary School have a primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of the pupils in our charge, and we will carry out this duty through our pastoral care policy, which aims to provide a caring, supportive and safe environment, valuing individuals for their unique talents and abilities, in which all young people can learn and develop to their full potential. 

The following principles form the basis of our Child Protection Policy.

  • It is a child’s right to feel safe at all times, to be heard, listened to and taken seriously.
  • We have a pastoral responsibility towards the children in our care and should take all reasonable steps to ensure their welfare is safeguarded and their safety is preserved.
  • In any incident the child’s welfare must be paramount, this overrides all other considerations.
  • A proper balance must be struck between protecting children and respecting the rights and needs of parents and families; but where there is conflict the child’s interest must always come first.




Designated Teacher Miss Helen Cleary 

Deputy Designated Teacher Miss Sharon Donnelly

Principal Mrs Joanne McCaffrey

Designated Governor for Child Protection Mr. Niall Mc Gandy